Our financial planners have been quoted in the following media:


Borrowing to invest in an RRSP is a way to ensure that money is saved instead of being spent

The Globe and Mail, Shelley White 
November 2013

"While borrowing to invest in an RRSP can be a wise choice for some people, it could be a wrong move for others", says Marc Lamontagne

Full text: Is it Wise to Borrow for an RRSP?

Rani and Evan are at a turning point in their lives. Rani, who is 51, started a new job earlier this year. Evan, who is 57, wants to scale back a bit, even if it means working well past the usual retirement age.

The Globe and Mail, Dianne Maley
November 2013

“If he delays taking CPP until he is 70, his benefits would double from $680 a month at age 60 to $1,482 at age 70", Marc Lamontagne

Full text: After downsizing, couple needs help investing their money with little risk


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Phone: (613) 596-3353
1565 Carling Avenue, Suite 602
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Z 8R1

We have been providing financial services to Ottawa Professionals, Small Business Owners and Families since 1994. Give us a call today to discuss your financial objectives. We'd love to hear from you!