Our financial planners have been quoted in the following media:


Remember the days when "no-money-down" was used only to entice people to buy a new couch? Brace yourself: these deals are now entering the real estate arena

Advisor.ca, by Mark Brown
October 2006

With the slew of innovations coming to the mortgage market, Canadians are now able to take on more debt then ever before. And while the risks of missing payment on a sofa pale in comparison to missed instalments on a semidetached home, these new mortgage-financing products serve a purpose — for the right person.

The most notable innovations to come to the mortgage market in the past year are the zero-down and interest-only mortgage options. But others are on their way: most notably, a hybrid of a zero-down, interest-only option. And that's not all. Earlier this year, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation said it will start insuring mortgages with a 40-year amortization period.

While these sorts of products seem designed to entice people who couldn't otherwise afford to own a home, they're not only that. Andrew Moor, president of mortgage brokerage firm Invis, says these new product innovations have a clear place in the market.

They are for the doctor fresh out of medical school who has no capital saved up, or a young couple where one is working and the other is finishing up school, he says. "These are good responsible people who look after their debts but haven't yet saved [for a downpayment]."

Full text: Canada's evolving mortgage market


Karl Warden is losing his job — and his pension. At least he’s getting a big payout. But howshould he use his money to rebuild his retirement plan?

National Post, by David Dias
September 2006

Only ear ago, Karl Warden’s path to retirement seemed clear. As the supervisor of a pulp mill in Ottawa, he was earning $80,000 a year and, although only 48, was just seven years from his permanent vacation, funding a well-earned retirement with his company’s defined-benefit pension plan. All that changed last November. “We showed up at work one day and the mill was closed,” says Karl (not his real name). “We gathered for a meeting and w e re told that the mill would be shutting down over the next year. We’d all lose our jobs.”

To make matters worse, the company also announced it would be terminating its pension plan. In its place, each employee would receive a one-time buyout worth the “commuted value” of his or her contributions. In Karl’s case, that amounted to $350,000. In addition, he would receive severance of $95,000, plus a “bridging benefit” of $100,000.

All told, his fare-thee-well package would be worth $545,000 when the plant closed for good.
Today, just weeks away from a pink slip, Karl faces the most important investment decision of his life: how to invest his payout to secure his retirement.

Full text: Karl's Choice


CALGARY (CP) — Communication is always the key to good financial planning, but when it comes to the intricacies of a second marriage, it becomes vital

Canadian Press, by James Stevenson
July 2006

"For every one issue in the formal traditional family, there are 10-15 issues in the blended family," says Doug Lamb, a cerified financial planner in Toronto.

And without sitting down and working through the issues, things like who owns the family home and who gets what in the will cann become a minefield of problems.

Full text: Second marriages add complexity to financial planning

Pools say they account for more than half of all RESPs — despite complaints over marketing, fees

Investment Executive, by Wendy Cuthbert
June 2006

With a history of 40-plus years for pooled scholarship RESPs, it's no surprise that financial advisors hear a lot about them. In fact, statistics provided by the Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation to the RESP Dealers Association of Canada show group plans account for slightly more than half of all RESPs in Canada.

Full text: Group education plans come under fire



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