Our financial planners have been quoted in the following media:


The Minellis are in their late forties, and they want to retire right now. Problem is, they've never invested in anything but GICs. Can they do it? Absolutely, say our experts. In fact they could have retired years ago

MoneySense Magazine, by Julie Cazzin
February/March 2010

Sophia and Vincent Minelli want to change their lives. And they want to do it now. The problem isn't their modest home in chilly Red Deer, Alta., or the five-hour drive it takes to visit family and friends in Lethbridge. It's their jobs.

Full text: How to retire at 45

I occasionally run into prospects that are holding totally the wrong investments, but somehow are locked into inaction and can't make a change, even if they know it is the right thing to do

Excerpt from the book 52 Stories for 52 Weeks published by the Insurance Journal, by Marc Lamontagne, CFP, RFP, FMA, CSA, advisor in Ottawa
December 2009

Here is a good example: I often work with Nortel Networks employees and one of them came to see me in early 2000s while Nortel stock was on its way down, but hadn't hit the floor yet. He was 55, had a small company pension (even smaller now), and only about $200,000 in RRSP. Here is the rub, the $200K was all in Nortel stock! So after discussing his needs, we concluded that he needed a financial plan (he agreed) and that he badly needed to diversify his portfolio (again he agreed). Then I said he would have to sell most his Nortel stock to achieve his goal of having a diversified portfolio. He understood that but just couldn't agree to that course of action; he would not agree to sell. Why not? After talking awhile longer it came out that he did not see his portfolio as being worth $200K, he thought it was worth $2 million (the value at the height of the dot.com boom) and that his portfolio was only "temporally" down. So how do I convince a man who is wearing blinders and protect him from his own mistakes?

Full text: Would you hire me if I recommended that?

The Copperfields will be worth a million when they retire at 55. They want to burn every penny before they die

MoneySense Magazine, by Julie Cazzin
December 2009

If you visit Ralph and Melissa Copperfield in their three-bedroom home just outside Lethbridge, Alta, you'll find the couple digging in their half-acre English country garden. It's where they lovingly plant their tulip bulbs, water their organic garlic and prune their hardy roses.

Full text: How to spend $1 million

The recovery is upon us and it's time to start planning for the future

MoneySense Magazine, by Rob Gerlsbeck
November 2009

That means lots of questions, and they've been pouring in: 'Is this market rally for real?', 'Have I missed the recovery?', ' Is it safe to buy a house?'. MoneySense talked to Canada's top experts to find the answers you need to thrive in these uncertain times.

Full text: What do I do now? The recovery is upon us and it's time to start planning for the future

Fee-for-service advice emulates professions like accountancy and law, where conversations with clients go along the lines of "here's what I can do for you, and here's a clear description of how much I will charge you for my services"

The Globe and Mail, by Rob Carrick
November 2009

For $75 an hour, Vancouver's Marie Robinson will sit down with you and provide coaching in debt management, investing and other aspects of personal finance.

Gordon Stockman of Port Credit, Ont., charges $160 per hour for the more traditional financial planning he provides to clients, with a full plan costing around $3,000. Robert Novoselac of Toronto charges $125 per hour for investment advice and has some clients who pay an annual fee of $750 for his services.

Over at Weigh House Investor Services, with offices in the greater Toronto area, Windsor, Ont., and Halifax, a detailed second opinion on your portfolio will cost roughly $1,000 to $1,500, and a full financial plan will run between $2,000 and $2,500.

How much are you paying for financial advice?

Full text: Paying for advice? Your portfolio will thank you


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Phone: (613) 596-3353
1565 Carling Avenue, Suite 602
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Z 8R1

We have been providing financial services to Ottawa Professionals, Small Business Owners and Families since 1994. Give us a call today to discuss your financial objectives. We'd love to hear from you!