Our financial planners have been quoted in the following media:


It takes two incomes to raise a family these days. Or does it? Behold, the completely acheivable guide to becoming a thriving one-income family.

MoneySense, Romana King
December 2015

"You may be surprised at how many expenses you can eliminate from your current two-income budget" says Ayana Forward, CFP with Ryan Lamontagne in Ottawa.

Full text: One For All


Now that baby Emily's here, the Martins' priorities have suddenly changed - and they're concerned about their financial future.

MoneySense, Julie Cazzin
September/October 2015

"The fact that their issues are about how to build more equity instead of how to make ends meet is telling" says Ayana Forward a Certified Financial Planner at Ryan Lamontagne in Ottawa.

Full text: And Then There Were 3

The TFSA has come of age and is revolutionizing the way Canadians build their wealth.

MoneySense, Dan Bartolotti and Julie Cazzin
September/October 2015

"Any investment offering steady returns is not a bad option - except for U.S. dividend -paying stocks" which are better held in a RRSP says Certified Financial Planner, Vickie Campbell.

Full text: The New Way to Invest Even More

So you've suddenly got $1,000 burning a hole in your wallet but you aren't sure what to do with it-all you know is you want that money to grow.

MoneySense, David Hodges
June 2015

"You've got to ask yourself, 'What is this money for?'" says Marc Lamontagne, a Certified Financial Planner.

Full text: Where to invest $1000


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Phone: (613) 596-3353
1565 Carling Avenue, Suite 602
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Z 8R1

We have been providing financial services to Ottawa Professionals, Small Business Owners and Families since 1994. Give us a call today to discuss your financial objectives. We'd love to hear from you!